Allen West, a tea party seeking the Republican nomination for Texas governor’s candidacy, was hospitalized after testing positive for COVID-19. The former Florida Republican Congressman is unvaccinated and has spoken out vehemently against vaccination mandates. West’s wife, who is vaccinated, also tested positive and was briefly hospitalized but later discharged after treatment with monoclonal antibodies. West tested positive for the virus just days after participating in a crowded fundraiser in Seabrook, Texas.
At the hospital, West sent a series of tweets criticizing and disapproving the vaccine mandates Touted treatments for the coronavirus. « Our body is our ultimate sanctuary of freedom and liberty, » he wrote. In a tweet, West, 60, said he was taking the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine and the anti-parasitic ivermectin, neither of which are approved for the treatment of COVID-19. West also received treatments with monoclonal antibodies and said he stayed in the hospital partly because doctors were concerned about his oxygen saturation but otherwise felt fine. « No complaints. I just relax, » West told the Associated Press during a short telephone interview.
Despite his hospital stay, West wrote on Twitter that he was now « even more committed to the fight against vaccine mandates, » also because of them “Enriching the pockets of big pharma.” But, as the Washington Post points out, monoclonal antibodies are actually much more expensive than vaccines. Monoclonal antibodies cost about $ 2,100 per dose, while the most expensive COVID-19 vaccines cost about $ 20 each He also criticized “propaganda commercials” that contain testimony from people who have lost loved ones to COVID-19 and say they wished they had been vaccinated. “This level of manipulative deception must end he wrote.
West, a former Texas Republican Party leader, announced in July that he would become Republican Governor Greg A. challenge bbott who is running for a third term. The vaccinated Abbott was diagnosed with COVID-19 in August. « Cecilia and I send all the best to Allen and Angela, » Abbott tweeted on Saturday. “You are in our prayers. Get well soon. «
« )); var p = g (h [i.size_id] .split (« x »). Map (function (e) {return Number (e)}), 2); f .width = p [0], f.height = p [1]} f.rubiconTargeting = (Array.isArray (i.targeting)? i.targeting: []). reduce (function (e, t) {return e [t.key] = t. values [0], e}, {rpfl_elemid: l.adUnitCode}), t.push (f)} else r.logError (« Rubicon: bidRequest undefined at index position: ». concat (o ), n, e); return t}, []). sort (function (e, t) {return (t.cpm || 0) – (e.cpm || 0)})}, getUserSyncs: function (e, t, n, r ) {if (! U&&e.iframeEnabled) {var i = « »; return n&& « string » == typeof n.consentString&& (« boolean » == typeof n.gdprApplies (gdprApplies? i = « ? n.gdprApplies), « &gdpr_consent = »). concat (n.consentString): i = « ? gdpr_consent = ». concat (n.consentString)), r&& (i = « ». concat (i? « & »: « » ? « , » us_privacy = « ) .concat (encodeURIComponent (r))), U =! 0, {type: » iframe « , url: » https: // « .concat (v.syncHost || » eus « , « / usync.html ») i}}}, transformBidParams: function (e, t) {return r.convertTypes ({acc ountId: « number », siteId: « number », zoneId: « number »} , e)}}; Function S (e, t) {var n = obgetConfig (« pageUrl »); return e.params.referrer? n = e.params.referrer: n || (n = t.refererInfo.referer), n.replace (/ ^ http: / i, « https: »): n} Function A (e ) {var t, n = document.getElementById (e.adUnitCode); (t = n.querySelector (« div [id ^ = ‘google_ads’] »)) && (« display », « none ») , function (e) {var t = e.querySelector (« script [id ^ = ‘sas_script’] »), n = t&&t.nextSibling; n&& « iframe » === n.localName&&n.sterty (« display » « »Perty.sterty , « none »)} (n); var r = e.renderer.getConfig (); e.renderer.push (function () {window.MagniteApex.renderAd ({width: e.width, height: e.height, vastUrl: e.vastUrl, placement: {attachTo: « # ». concat (e.adUnitCode), align: r.align || « center », position: r.position || « append »}, closeButton: r.closeButton ||! 1, label: r.label || void 0, collapse: r.collapse ||! 0})})} Function I (e, t) {var n = e.params; if (« video » = == t) {var i = []; return i = [,]: Array.isAr ray (r.deepAccess (e, « »)) &&1 === e i = [0]: Array.isArray (e. sizes) &&e.sizes.length> 0&&Array.isArray (e.sizes [0]) &&e.sizes [0] .length> 1&& (i = e.sizes [0], i} return o .isArray (n.sizes)? o = n.sizes: void 0! == r.deepAccess (e, « mediaTypes.banner.sizes »)? o = T (e.mediaTypes.banner.sizes): Array.isArray (e.sizes) &&e.sizes.length> 0? o = T (e.sizes): r.logWarn (« Rubicon: No sizes were set up or found »), x (o)} function E (e, t , n) {var i = {user: {ext: {data: f ({}, e. params.visitor)}}, site: {ext: {data: f ({}, e.params.inventory)}}}; e.params.keywords&& ( = r.isArray (e.params. keywords)? e.params.keywords.join (« , »): e.params.keywords); var s = r.mergeDeep ({}, obgetConfig (« ortb2 ») | | {}, i), c = r .deepAccess (e.ortb2Imp, « ») || {}, u = {user: [3], site: [1,2]}, d = {user: « tg_v. », site: « tg_i . « , adserver: » tg_i.dfp_ad_unit_code « , pbadslot: » tg_i.pbadslot « , keywords: » kw « }, l = function (e, t, n) {if ( » data « === t&&Array.isArray (e )) return e.filter (function (e) {return e.segment&&r.deepAccess (e, « ext.segtax ») &&u [n] &&-1! == u [n] .indexOf (r.deepAccess (e, « ext.segtax »))}). map (function (e) {var t = e.segment.filter (function (e) {return}). reduce (function (e, t) {return e. push (, e}, []); if (t.length> 0) return t.toString ()}). toString (); if (« Object »! == y (e) || Array .isArray (e)) {if (void 0! == e) return Array.isArray (e)? e.filter (function (e) {if (« Object »! = = y (e) &&void 0! == e) return String (); r.logWarn (« Rubicon: Filtered value: », e, « for key », t, « : Expected value is String, Integer, or an array of Strings / Ints »)}). ToString (): e.toString ()} else r.logWarn (« Rubicon: Filtered FPD key: », t, « : Expected value is String, Integer, or an array of Strings / Ints »)}, p = function (e, t , r) {var i =! (arguments.length> 3&&void 0! == arguments [3]) || arguments [3], o = l (e, r, t), a = d [r] &&i? » « .concat (d [r]): » data « === r? » « . concat (d [t], » iab « ): » « . concat (d [t]). concat (r); n [a] = n [a]? n [a] .concat (« , », o): o}; Object.keys (c) .forEach (function (e) {« adserver » === e? [ » name « , » adslot « ]. forEach (function (t) {c [e] [t] && (c [e] [t] = c [e] [t] .toString (). replace (/ ^ / /, « »))}): « pbadslot » === e&& (c [e] = c [e] .toString (). replace (/ ^ / /, » »)))),t===ab?([« site », »user » Autovermietung ).forEach(function(e){Object.keys(s[e]).forEach (function (t) {« site » === e&& « content » === t&&s [e] [t] .data? p (s [e] [t] .data, e, « data »): « ext « ! == t? p (s [e] [t], e, t): s [e] [t] .data&&Object.keys (s [e] .forEach (function (t) { p (s [e] [t], e, t,! 1)})})}), Object.keys (c) .forEach (function (e) {« adserver » === e? p (c [e] .adslot, name, e): p (c [e], « site », e)})) 🙁 Object.keys (c) .length&&r.merg eDeep (n.imp [0] .ext, {data: c}), r.mergeDeep (n, s))} function T (e) {return r.parseSizesInput (e) .reduce (function (e, t) {var n = parseInt (h [ t], 10); return n&&e.push (n), e}, [])} function O (e) {return « object » === y (r.deepAccess (e, « »)) &&void 0! == r.deepAccess (e, « mediaTypes. ». Concat (ad))} function C (e) {var t = arguments.length> 1&&void 0! == arguments [1] &&Argumente [1]; O ( e) return? -1 === [« outstream », « instream »]. indexOf (r.deepAccess (e , « mediaTypes. ». concat (ad, « . context »)))? void (t&&r.logError (« Rubicon: must be outstream or instream »)): I (e, « video »). length-1 || i> -1? -1 === r? 1: -1 === i? -1: ri: en})} function j (e) {var t = parseInt (r.deepAccess ( e, « »)); return isNaN (t)? « outstream » === r.deepAccess (e, « mediaTypes. ». concat (ad, « . context »))? 203: 201: t} Function D (e) {return {ranges: {low: [{max: 5, increment: .5}], medium: [{max: 20, increment: .1}], high: [{max: 20 , Increment: .01}], auto: [{max: 5, increment: .05}, {min: 5, max: 10, increment: .1}, {min: 10, max: 20, increment :. 5}], dense: [{max: 3, increment: .01}, {min: 3, max: 8, increment: .05}, {min: 8, max: 20, increment: .5}], custom : e.getConfig (« customPriceBucket ») &&e.getConfig (« customPriceBucket ») .buckets} [e.getConfig (« priceGranularity »)]}} function k (e) {var t =! 0, n = Object.prototype. ([]), i = {mimes: n, protocols: n, linearity: (0), api: n}; return Object.keys (i) .forEach (function (n ) {Object.prototype.toStri (r.deepAccess (e, « » n))! == i [n] && (t =! 1, r.logError (« Rubicon: » n « is required and must be of the type: « i [n]))}), t} Function P (e) {var t =! 1, n = [ » asi « , » sid « , » hp « ]; return e.nodes? ((t = e.nodes.reduce (function (e, t) {return e? n.every (function (e) {return t.hasOwnProperty (e)}): e} ,! 0)) || r. logError (« Rubicon: required Schain parameters are missing »), t): t} Function R (e, t) {return « rp_schain » === e? « rp_schain = ». concat (t): « ». concat ( e, « = »). concat (encodeURIComponent (t))} var U =! 1; Object t (i.registerBidder) (_)}}, [622]), pbjsChunk ([87], {696: function ( e, t, n) {e.exports = n (697)}, 697: function (e, t, n) {Object.defineProperty (t, « __ esModule », {value:! 0}), nd (t, « tripleliftAdapterSpec », function () {return b}); var r = n (2), i = n (1), o = n (0), a = n (3); function s () {return (s = Object.assign || function (e) {for (var t = 1; te.length) && (t = e.length); for (var n = 0, r = new Array (t); n0&& (t. user = {ext: {eids: i}}); var c = function (e, t) {var n = {}; return o.isEm pty (e) || (n.schain = d ({}, e)), o.isEmpty (t) || (n.fpd = d ({}, t)), n} (n, r); return o.isEmpty (c) || (t.ext = c), t} (e); if (n = o.tryAppendQueryString (n, « lib », « prebid »), n = o.tryAppendQueryString (n, « v », « 5.2.0 »), t&&t.refererInfo) {var i = t.refererInfo.referer; n = o.tryAppendQueryString (n, « referrer », i)} return t&&t.timeoutCSSE.CHARingApp (nQueryStringApp (n, « tmax », t.timeout)), t&&t.gdprConsent&& (void 0! == t.gdprConsent.gdCHARCSSEANDgSSEAND (void) rApplies, n = o.dtopringtring (« , gString ») ), void 0! == t.gdprConsent.consentString&& (m = t.gdprConsent.consentString, n = o. « us_privacy », t.uspConsent)) ,! 0 === abgetConfig (« coppa ») && (n = o.tryAppendQueryString (n, « coppa »,! 0)), n.lastIndexOf (« & ») == = n.length-1&& (n = n.substring (0, n.length-1)), o .logMessage (« tlCall request created: » n), {method: « POST », url: n, data: r, bidderRequest: t}}, interpretResponse: function (e, t) {var n = t.bidderRequest; return (e.body. Commandments || []). Map (function (e) {return function (e, t) {var n = {}, r = t.width || 1, i = t.height || 1, o = t. deal_id || « », a = t.crid || « », s = e.bids [t.imp_id]; return 0! = t.cpm&& (n = {requestId: s.bidId, cpm: t. cpm, width: r, height: i, netRevenue:! 0, ad:, creativeId: a, dealId: o, currency: « USD », ttl: 300, tl_source: t.tl_source, meta: {}} , y (s) CSSEUNDCHARCSEA NDCHAR (n.vastXml =, n.mediaType = « video »), t.advertiser_name&& (n.meta.advertiserName = t.advertiser_name), t.adomain&&t.&t.adom. meta.advertiserDomains = t adomain), t.tl_source&& « hdx » == t.tl_source&& (n.meta.mediaType = « banner »), t.tl_sourceCSSEANDmedia=& = « t.metlANDCHAR = » t.metlANDCHAR = « tlx » native « ) n} (n, e)})}, getUserSyncs: function (e, t, n, r) {var i = function (e) {if (e) return e.iframeEnabled? » iframe « : e. pixelEnabled? « image »: void 0} (e); if (i) {var a = « »; return « image » === i& & (a = o.tryAppendQueryString (a, « px », 1), a = o.tryAppendQueryString (a, « src », « prebid »)), null! == m&& (a = o.tryAppendQueryString (a, » gdpr « , g), a = o. tryAppendQueryString (a, « cmp_cs », m)), r&& (a = o.tryAppendQueryString (a, « us_privacy », r)), [{type: i, url: a}]}}}; function y (e) {return !! !! deo.context&& « instream » === ()} function v (e) {var t = null; if ( « function » == typeof e.getFloor) {var n = e. getFloor ({currency: « USD », mediaType: y (e)? « video »: « banner », size: « * »}); « object »! == c (n) || « USD »! == n.currency || isNaN (parseFloat (n.floor)) || (t = parseFloat (n.floor))} return null! == t? t: e.params.floor} function h (e, t) { o.isEmpty (t) || Object.keys (t) .forEach (function (n) {null! = t [n] && (e [n] = t [n])})} function _ (e, t , n, r) {return (function (e) {return function (t) {return t&&t.userId&&t.userId [e]}} (t)). filter (function (e) {return !! e} ) .map (function (e, t) {return function (n) {return {source: e, uids: [{id: n, ext: {rtiPartner: t}}]}}} (n, r))} Function S (e) {return e.filter (A) .map (function (e) {return {w: e [0], h: e [1]}})} function A (e) {return 2 == = e.length&& « number » == typeof e [0] && « number » == typeof e [1]} Object (i.registerBidder) (b)}}, [696]), pbjsChunk ([7], { 21: Function (e, t, n) {tb = Function (e) {var t = []; for (var n in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty (n)) if (« pubProvidedId » === n) t = t.concat (e.pubProvidedId); else {var r = o (e [n], n); r&CSSEAN DCHARt.push (r)} return t}, ta = function (e) {var t = []; return e.filter (function (e) {return r.isPlainObject (e.idObj) &&Object.keys (e.idObj ) .length}). forEach (function (e) {Object.keys (e.idObj) .forEach (function (n) {r.deepAccess (e, « config.bidders ») &&Array.isArray (e.config.bidders ) &&r.deepAccess (i, n « .source ») &&t.push ({source: i [n] .source, bidders: e.config.bidders})})}), t}; var r = n (0 ), i = {intentIqId: {source: « », atype: 1}, pubcid: {source: « », atype: 1}, tdid: {source: « », atype: 1, getUidExt: function () {return {rtiPartner: « TDID »}}}, id5id: {getValue: function (e) {return e.uid}, source: « id5 », atype: 1, getUidExt : function (e) {if (e.ext) return e.ext}}, parrableId: {source: « », atype: 1, getValue: function (e) {return e.eid? e.eid: e.ccpaOptout? « : null}, getUidExt: function (e) {var t = r.pick (e, [ » ibaOptout « , » ccpaOptout « ]); if (Object.keys (t) .length) return t} }, idl_env: {source: « », atype: 3}, lipb: {getValu e: function (e) {return e.lipbid}, source: « », atype: 3, getEidExt: function (e) {if (Array.isArray (e.segments) &&e .segments.length) return { segments: e.segments}}}, britepoolid: {source: « », atype: 3}, dmdId: {source: « », atype: 3}, lotamePanoramaId: {source: « « , atype: 1}, criteoId: {source: » « , atype: 1}, merkleId: {source: » « , atype: 3, getValue: function (e) {return} , getUidExt: function (e) {return e&&e.keyID? {keyID: e.keyID}: void 0}}, netId: {source: « », atype: 1}, IDP: {source: « zeotap. com « , atype: 1}, haloId: {source: » « , atype: 1}, quantcastId: {source: » « , atype: 1}, nextrollId: {source: » » , atype: 1}, idx: {source: « », atype: 1}, connectid: {source: « », atype: 3}, fabrickId: {source: « », atype : 1}, mwOpenLinkId: {source: « mediawallahscript. com « , atype: 1}, tapadId: {source: » « , atype: 1}, novatiq: {getValue: function (e) {return e.snowflake}, source: » « , atype: 1}, uid2: {source: « », atype: 3, getValue: function (e) {return}}, deepintentId: {source: « », atype: 3}, admixerId: {source: « », atype: 3}, amxId: {source: « », atype: 1}}; function o (e, t) {var n = i [t]; if (n&&e ) {var o = {}; o.source = n.source; var a = r.isFn (n.getValue)? n.getValue (e): e; if (r.isStr (a)) {var s = {id: a, atype: n.atype}; if (r.isFn (n.getUidExt)) {var c = n.getUidExt (e); c&& (s.ext = c)} if (o.uids = [ s], r.isFn (n.getEidExt)) {var u = n.getEidExt (e); u&& (o.ext = u)} return o}} return null}}, 716: function (e, t, n ) {e.exports = n (717)}, 717: function (e, t, n) {Object.defineProperty (t, « __ esModule », {value:! 0}), nd (t, « PBJS_USER_ID_OPTOUT_NAME », function () {return w}), nd (t, « coreStorage », function () {return x}), nd (t, « syncDelay », function () {return S}), nd (t, « auctionDelay », function () {return A}), t.setSubmoduleRegistry = Funk tion (e) {R = e}, t.setStoredValue = U, t.setStoredConsentData = M, t.findRootDomain = L, t.requestBidsHook = G, nd (t, « validateGdprEnforcement », function () {return Q}) , t.attachIdSystem = $, t.init = Z; var r = n (11), i = nn (r), o = n (3), a = n (9), s = nn (a), c = n (0), u = n (16), d = n (7), l = n (5), f = nn (l), p = n (10), g = n (21), m = n (8), b = n (12), y = nn (b); function v (e, t) {(zero == t || t> e.length) && (t = e.length); for (var n = 0, r = new Array (t); n1&&void 0! == arguments [1]? arguments [1]: void 0, r = n? « ». concat (, « _ »). concat (n):; try {if (e.type === E) t = x.getCookie (r); else if (e.type === T) {var i = x.getDataFromLocalStorage ( » « .concat (, » _ exp « )); » « === i? t = x.getDataFromLocalStorage (r): i&&new Date (i) .getTime () – ()> 0&& (t = decodeURIComponent (x.getDataFromLocalStorage (r)))} « string » == typeof t&& « { » === t.trim (). charAt (0) && (t = JSON.parse (t))} catch (e) {c.logError (e)} return t} function N (e) {var t = {consentString: « », gdprApplies:! 1, apiVersion: 0}; retu rn eCS SEANDCHAR& (t.consentString = e.consentString, t.gdprApplies = e.gdprApplies, t.apiVersion = e.apiVersion), c.cyrb53Hash (JSON.stringify (t))} function M (e) {try {var t = new Date ( () 864e5 * C) .toUTCString (); x.setCookie (O, N (e), t, « Lax »)} catch (e) {c.logError (e)}} function q () {try {return x.getCookie (O)} catch (e) {c.logError (e)}} function F (e) {if (e&& « boolean » == typeof e.gdprApplies&&e.gdprApplies) { if (! e.consentString) return! 1; if (1 === e.apiVersion&&! 1 === c.deepAccess (e, « vendorData.purposeConsents.1 »)) return! 1; if (2 === e. apiVersion&&! 1 === c.deepAccess (e, « vendorData.purpose.consents.1 »)) return! 1} return! 0} function L () {var e = arguments.length> 0&&void 0! == arguments [ 0]? Arguments [0]: window.location.hostname; if (! X.cookiesAreEnabled ()) return e; var t, n, r = e.split (« . »); If (2 == r.length ) return e; var i = -2, o = « _ rdc » .concat ( ()), a = « writeable »; do {t = r.slice (i) .join (« . »); var s = new date (c.timestamp () 1e4) .toUTCString (); x .setCookie (o, a, s, « Lax », t, void 0), x.getCookie (o, void 0) === a ? (n =! 1, x.setCookie (o, « », « Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT », void 0, t, void 0)) 🙁 i = -1, n = Math. abs (i) 0) {t =! 0; var r =! 1, i = function () {r || (r =! 0, e ())}; c.logInfo (« ». concat (I, « – auction delayed by ») .concat (A, « to get at most IDs »)), _ = setTimeout (i, A), z (n, i)} else saon (faEVENTS.AUCTION_END, function e () {saoff (faEVENTS.AUCTION_END, e), S> 0? setTimeout (function () {z (n)}, S): z (n)})} e&&! t&&e ()} Function G (e, t) {V ( function () {(function (e, t) {[e] .some (function (e) {return! Array.i sArray (e) ||! e.length}) || e.forEach (function (e) {e.bids&&c.isArray (e.bids) &&e.bids .forEach (function (e) {var n = function (e , t) {return Array.isArray (e) &&e.length&&t? e.filter (function (e) {return! e.config.bidders ||! c. isArray (e.config.bidders) || y () (e.config.bidders, t)}). filter (function (e) {return c.isPlainObject (e.idObj) &&Object.keys (e.idObj). Length}). Reduce (function (e, t) {return Object.keys (t.idObj) .forEach (function (n) {e [n] = t.idObj [n]}), e}, {}): {}} (t, e.bidder); Object.keys (n) .length&& (e.userId = n, e.userIdAsEids = Object (gb) (n))})})}) (t.adUnits || Object (ua ) (). adUnits, h), (this, t)})} function K () {return V (), W (h)} function H () {return V (), Object (gb) ( W (h))} Function J (e, t) {var n = e? E.submoduleNames: null; n || (n = []), V (function () {var e = d.gdprDataHandler.getConsentData ( ), r = Q (k, e), i = r.userIdModules; if (r.hasValidated || F (e)) {var o = q (); M (e); var a, s = [], u = function (e, t) {var n = « undefined »! = typeof Symbol&&e [Symbol.iterator] || e [« @@ iterator »]; if (! n) {if (Array.isArray (e) | | (n = function (e, t) {if (e) {if (« string » == typeof e) return v (e, t); var n = (e) .slice ( 8, -1); return « Object » === n&&e.constructor&& (n =, « Map » === n || « Set » === n? Array.from (e): « Arguments » === n || / ^ (?: Ui | I) nt (?: 8 | 16 | 32) (?: Clamped)? Array $ /. Test (n)? V (e, t): void 0}} (e)) || t&C SSEAND CHARe&& « number » == typeof e.length) {n&& (e = n); var r = 0, i = function () {}; return {s: i, n: function () {return r> = e . length? {done:! 0}: {done:! 1, value: e [r]}}, e: function (e) {throw e}, f: i}} throw new TypeError (« Invalid attempt, non – iterable instance. nTo be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator] () method. « )} var o, a =! 0, s =! 1; return {s: function () {n = (e)}, n: function () {var e = (); return a = e.done, e}, e: function (e) {s =! 0, o = e}, f: function () {try {a || null == n.return || n.return ()} finally {if (s) throw o}}}} (i); try {for (us ( );! (a = un ()). done;) {var l = a.value; n.length> 0&&-1 === n.indexOf ( || (c.logInfo ( » « .concat (I, » – Update « ) .concat (, Y (l, e, o,! 0), c.isFn (l.callback) &&s.push (l))} } catch (e) {ue (e)} finally {uf ()} s.length> 0&&z (s), t&&t ()} else c.logWarn (« ». concat (I, « – gdpr authorization not valid for local storage or cookies, exit module « ))})} var Q = Object (pb) ( » sync « , function (e, t) {return {userIdModules: e, hasValidated: t&&t.hasValidated}}, » validate GdprEnforcement « ); Function Y (e, t, n, r) {if ( {var i, o = B (, a =! 1; if ( » number « = = typeof {var s = new date (B (, « last »)); a = s&& () – s.getTime ()> 1e3 * e.config .storage.refreshInSeconds}! o || a || r ||! function (e, t) {return null! = n&&n === N (t)} (0, t)? i = e.submodule.getId (e.config, t, o): « function » == typeof e.submodule.extendId&& (i = e.submodule.extendId (e.config, t, o)), c.isPlainObject (i) && ( (U (e,, o =, « function » == typeof i.callback&& (e.callback = i.callback)), o&& (e.idObj = e.submodule.decode (o, e.config))} else if (e. config.value) e.idObj = e.config.value; else {var u = e.submodule.getId (e.config, t, void 0); c.isPlainObject (u) && (« function » == typeof u .Call back&& (e.callback = u.callback), (e.idObj = e.submodule.decode (, e.config)))}} function X () {var e = function (e , t, n) {return Array.isArray (e)? e.reduce (function (e, t) {return! t || c.isEmptyStr ( || (! || c.isEmptyStr (t .storage.type) || c.isEmptyStr ( || -1 === n.indexOf ( c.isPlainObject (t.value)? e.push ( t): || t.value || e.push ( t): e.push (t)), e}, []): []} (P, 0, j); if (e.length) {var t = R.filter (function (e) {return! i () (k, function (t) {return ===})}); k = (function (t) {var n = i () (e, function (e) {return ( () === () || t.aliasName&& () = == t.aliasName.toLowerCase ())}); return n& .name! == ( =, t.findRootDomain = L, n? {submodule: t, config: n, callback: void 0, idObj: void 0}: null}). filter (function (e) {return null! == e}),! D&&k.length&& (Object (u. a) (). requestBids.before (G, 40), c.logInfo (« ». concat (I, « – usersync configuration updated for ») .concat (k.length, « sub-modules: »), (function (e) {return})), D =! 0)}} function $ (e) {i () (R, function (t) {return === }) || (R.push (e), X ())} Function Z (e) {k = [], P = [], D =! 1, h = void 0, -1! == (j = [x.localStorageIsEnabled ()? T: null, x.cookiesAreEnabled ()? E: null] .filter (function (e) {return null! == e})). indexOf (E) &&x.getCookie (w) ? c.logInfo (« ». concat (I, « – opt-out cookie found, exit module »)): – 1! == j.indexOf (T) &&x.getDataFromLocalStorage (w)? c.logInfo ( » « . concat (I, » – Opt-out localStorage found, exit module « )) 🙁 e.getConfig (function (e) {var t = e.userSync; t&&t.userIds&& (P = t.userIds, S = c .isNumber (t.syncDelay)? t.syncDelay: 500, A = c.isNumber (t.auctionDelay)? t.auctionDelay: 0, X ())}), Object (ua) (). getUserIds = K, Object (ua) (). getUserIdsAsEids = H, Object (ua) (). refreshUserIds = J)} Z (ob), Object (pc) (« userId », $)}}, [716]), pbjs.processQueue ( );
}, {}];
window.modules [« visibility.legacy »] = [function (require, module, exports) {« use strict »; DS.service (« $ visibility », [« $ document », « $ window », « _ throttle », « Eventify », function (e, t, n, i) {var o, r, h = []; function s (e, t) {return et? E: t} function d (e, t, n) { ! e.preload&&e.preloadThreshhold&&function (e, t, n, i) {return = e.shownThreshold&&! e.seen? (e.seen =! 0, setTimeout (function () {e.trigger) , new r (« shown », t))}, 15)) :(! n || i1&& (h = e (r, Math.floor (n / o), i-1, o)), h}, this.getVerticallyVisiblePixels = f, this.getViewportHeight = function () {return t.innerHeight || e.documentElement.clientHeight || e.body.clientHeight}, this.getViewportWidth = function () {return t.innerWidth || e. documentElement.clientWidth || e.body.clientWidth}, this.isElementNotHidden = u, this.isElementInViewport = function (n) {var i = n.getBoundingClientRect (); return> = 0&&i.left> = 0CSSEottom .CHARCSS. = o.length) return {done: true}; return {done: false, value: o [i]}; }, e: function e (_e) {throw _e; }, f: F}; } throw new TypeError (« Invalid attempt to iterate a non-iterable instance. nTo be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator] () method. »); } var normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return {s: function s () {it = o [symbol.iterator] (); }, n: function n () {var step = (); normalCompletion = step.done; Return step; }, e: function e (_e2) {didErr = true; Error = _e2; }, f: function f () {try {if (! normalCompletion && it.return! = null) it.return (); } finally {if (didErr) throw err; }}}; }
Function _unsupportedIterableToArray (o, minLen) {if (! O) return; if (typeof o === « string ») return _arrayLikeToArray (o, minLen); var n = (o) .slice (8, -1); if (n === « Object » && o.constructor) n =; if (n === « Map » || n === « Set ») return Array.from (o); if (n === « Arguments » || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray (o, minLen); }
function _arrayLikeToArray (arr, len) {if (len == null || len> arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array (len); i