Home Actualité internationale World News – United States – EXO’s Chen Must Enlist for Compulsory Military Service, Fans Say We Will Wait For His Return
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World News – United States – EXO’s Chen Must Enlist for Compulsory Military Service, Fans Say We Will Wait For His Return

Chen will be the fourth EXO member to enlist for military service, after Xiumin, DO and Suho

Chen will be the fourth EXO member to enlist for military service, after Xiumin, DO and Suho

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Chen, a member of South Korean boy band EXO, is ready for compulsory military service The 28-year-old singer recently shared a handwritten letter announcing his intention to enlist in the military later this day. this month According to Soompi, this is what Chen wrote in his letter: “Hello, this is Chen Are you all doing well and staying healthy these days when daily temperature swings are especially big? The summer heat is over, and in the blink of an eye it’s already fall The reason I’m writing to all of you today is to let you know that I’m going to be enlisting in the military on October 26 and to at least say goodbye to you through this letterat ????

He continued, “During my service, I will do my best to fulfill my duties in good physical and mental health so that I can show you growth and improvement when I come back to greet you again. During this time, I hope you all stay as beautiful and healthy as you are today !! I am always grateful to you and love youâ ????

As soon as the news of Chen’s enlistment in the military came out, his die-hard fans took to Twitter to talk about the same One user said, « Our dear chen, you are the most precious thing that ever happened to us please serve well we will always support your choice take care of you and be home safe a ???? Another user shared photos of Chen’s letter and said, “When I said I wanted to receive letters, that’s not what I meant dhsjsfdjune ???? One fan claimed: ‘They posted saying that we are not afraid of the weather, we will wait for his return in the days to come, we will continue to support his career and also wait for him to sing for usa???? One person posted a photo of the singer and said, “Missing you already !! We are a! # CHENâ ????

our dear chen you are the most precious thing that has ever happened to us please serve well we will always support your choice take care of you and be home safe <33 ð ???? ¤ð ???? ¤ picTwittercom / wqOjH5sAB6

when I said I wanted to receive letters that’s not what I meant dhsjsfdj picTwittercom / CazRMrjMYA

[â ?? ¡Ð ?????? ï¸ ??] CHENBar Weibo They posted saying that we are not afraid of the weather, we will wait for his return in the days to come, we will continue to support his career and also wait for him to sing for us # CHEN # ì² ¸ # é ???? é ???? 大 picTwittercom / uMliAFVbhL

Chen is expected to be enlisted in compulsory military service on October 26, 2020, as confirmed by his letter, and will be the fourth EXO member to perform his military duties, after Xiumin, DO and Suho

EXO was formed by SM Entertainment in 2011 and debuted in 2012 and they’ve been labeled as the « Kings of K-pop » by various media

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MEAWW is an initialism for Media Entertainment Arts WorldWide We are one of the fastest growing countries in the world
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Chen, EXO, K-pop

World News – US – EXO’s Chen to Enlist for Compulsory Military Service, Fans Say – We Will wait for his return

SOURCE: https://www.w24news.com

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