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Actualité internationale

CM – « Israel’s contract with the diaspora suspended due to COVID-19 »

DIASPORA AFFAIRS: Chairman of the Conference of Presidents: We are more than just a passport number, we are a vital part of what...

Actualité internationale

CM – Aliyah recovers from COVID-19 slump in 2021, new record for US Olim

A total of 27,057 Jewish immigrants became Israeli citizens in 2021, compared with 21,120 in 2020 and 35,651 in 2019 - the last...

Actualité internationale

CM – Opinion : les nombreuses connexions CT du baseball israélien

Josh Zeid, né à New Haven, qui a pitché pour les Astros, était ravi d'être de retour chez lui...

Actualité internationale

World news – Workers freed from the pasta machine at Carla’s Pasta in South Windsor

Emergency teams were called to an industrial accident that occurred early Monday morning at a noodle maker in South Windsor.

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