LONDRES - Doug Scott, un alpiniste britannique qui faisait partie de la première équipe à atteindre le sommet du mont Everest via sa...
ByCAMEROON MAGAZINE - GM09/12/2020. . La légende de l'alpinisme et de l'escalade Doug Scott est décédée lundi à l'âge de 79 ans. Après avoir gravi les...
ByCAMEROON MAGAZINE - GM09/12/2020. . TRIBUTES went into Cumbria's mountaineering legend Doug Scott - also from his friend and fellow climber Chris Bonington.
ByCAMEROON MAGAZINE - GM08/12/2020. . Mountaineering legend Doug Scott has died at the age of 79 after battling cancer.
ByCAMEROON MAGAZINE - GM07/12/2020. . Acclaimed Cumbrian climber Doug Scott has died.
ByCAMEROON MAGAZINE - GM07/12/2020. . "Of all British climbers after World War II," Sir Chris Bonington told Rock and Ice, "Doug Scott was undoubtedly outstanding, joining...
ByCAMEROON MAGAZINE - GM07/12/2020First Englishman to climb Everest, who dedicated his later years to Buddhism and helped the people of Nepal
ByCAMEROON MAGAZINE - GM07/12/2020Scott was a Buddhist and worked tirelessly to improve the many remote Nepalese mountain communities