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Missing person

Actualité internationale

La police lance une alerte Amber pour une fille de 16 ans enlevée par des hommes masqués.

According to Durham police, three Black men wearing masks reportedly took her from a bus stop.

Actualité internationale

Cleveland police officials address ‘misleading’ information on missing children, human trafficking

On Wednesday, authorities in Cleveland discussed what they called misleading information involving missing children in the city.

Actualité internationale

Adolescente disparue de Gwinnett retrouvée chez un homme de 41 ans, des accusations de viol déposées.

The Gwinnett teen was last seen on May 24 at around 10:32 a.m. shortly after finishing her final exams at Parkview High School.

Actualité internationale

Recherche de Summer Wells : le TBI reste déterminé dans la recherche de la fillette disparue depuis 2 ans.

Thursday marks two years since Summer Wells disappeared from her Rogersville home on June 15, 2021.

Actualité internationale

‘Alerte Amber annulée pour 2 tout-petits à New York’

Officials said the children were found safe at a relative’s home.

Actualité internationale

Update: The AMBER Alert was canceled at 6:13am Tuesday. "The children have been found safely," according to the New York State Police.