L’édile de 69 ans va démissionner lors du prochain conseil municipal, le 19 octobre, disant vouloir laisser la place à «un nouveau maire...
ByCAMEROON MAGAZINE - GM14/10/2023La sélection canadienne de soccer cherche à regagner du respect lors d’un match amical contre le Japon La sélection masculine de soccer du...
ByCAMEROON MAGAZINE - GM13/10/2023Life is rarely dull at Marseille but even by the standards of France's most passionately followed football club the weeks leading up to...
ByCAMEROON MAGAZINE - GM05/10/2023The Californian Mike Jeffries had a clear vision when he took over - "We go after the cool kids."
ByCAMEROON MAGAZINE - GM03/10/2023Federal prosecutors have accused Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey and his wife, Nadine, of accepting bribes in exchange for official actions by...
ByCAMEROON MAGAZINE - GM23/09/2023Top Democrats turn on Robert Menendez amid allegations of gold bars and jackets stuffed with cash.
ByCAMEROON MAGAZINE - GM23/09/2023His resignation comes amid backlash over his support of Danny Masterson
ByCAMEROON MAGAZINE - GM21/09/2023Chicago Bears defensive coordinator Alan Williams submitted his resignation Wednesday afternoon, the team said.
ByCAMEROON MAGAZINE - GM20/09/2023À l'occasion d'un briefing des ambassadeurs, Volker Perthes a prévenu que le conflit au Soudan pourrait rapidement évoluer en « une guerre civile...
ByCAMEROON MAGAZINE - GM15/09/2023Months of intraparty negotiations determined terms of the long-awaited probe.